today sucked.
this whole week has been sucky so far..
sunday->I decided on something oh-so-sad
monday->had to have a date with polynomials
tuesday(today)->didn't see someone the WHOLE day
and lots of other stuff happened.
had a tiff with my folks in the morning.
in the morning!!seriously
what a "brilliant" way to start off the day
saw someone who's an eye sore on mrt.
damn mad about it.
I shouldn't let people like this(dirt) irritate
me and cause me to raise my voice at friends...
sorry humpty!
dozed off during chinese test-.-.-
couldn't finish..gonna complete it tmr.
lit test->>>GAGGGGG!roarr!
but there were some nice stuff which happened today:///
like recess was nice:D
dodo helped me and i helped her!!
we were just centimetres apart my dear(:yeah.and got nominated for some
interview thingy to be a reporter of some sort.
Just crapped during the interview.
HAHA.i DONT wanna be ego but I think I'll get it:}}
OF COURSE(:hahahah
math test was-.-
I most likely got the 8m question right but
the easier questions were all done wrong i think.
asked teik wee to check my work for me.
After checking it,he gave me this ): face...
IDIOTTT lahh!idw to fail AGAIN.
but omg!!what liangjie taught came out!!!
choir was nice(:
got rainie yang songs from kimying!!!!!
oh YAY!
I have this sudden craze over her(:
shall post her photos some other time-.-.-
SHIATxzx.My mom is so %$#%&!!!
idk what words can be used to describe-.-
she apparently had this TALK with my dad about me.
They're gonna confiscate my laptop and meet my math cher.
what the
my new laptop!!!they're going away on the weekends
and I thought.."wow..three days of freedom...."
so..bye.very soon.I will be MIA again-.-
how sad..
oh and
HAHAHAH..cheap thrill!!!:DDDDDDhe's like..a substitute or something(:dodobird knows EVERYTHING.
whereas I'll update anne some other time when
her load gets lighter(:
Monday, April 6, 2009,
5:22 AM
today has been a sucky day
had a talk with dodobird.
and the rest of LKT soon after.
they are absolutely supportive of my decisons!!
im so touched.
I came to school feeling oh-so-sian
that I couldn't even recover enough energy
to say hi to Graham when I saw him.
the day was sucky due to polynomials-.-
they make me cringe!!!
i dont get it..lol.
when the rest of the class did-.-
and I know I look retarded.
please ignore my crappy face and focus on the
thingy..the paper thingy.
haha.and take a look at my dear dear dodobird
being her retarded self of course(:
haha.lit lesson is generally quite fun:D
mrteo will just rant and we will crap among ourselves(:
and LOOK!
he's not wearing shoes!!
my dear mrteo ahhh(:
saw PEOPLE ahemahem today(:
your maroon shirt makes my face go maroon.
man!that stinks!
hah!maybe a haiku could work.
hmm.let me see...
guy in maroon shirt
always playing basketball;
makes my heart go BOOM!
omg.I'm like..laughing like mad now..
my decision is final.
lol.though i don't think it may follow through...
I'm going.
LKT!!here I come!!:}}}
when there's friends..life seems so much better...
Sunday, April 5, 2009,
5:18 AM
I have changed I guess.into someone else since the last time..
didn't really study with rachael and debbie today.
I meant to but there was no place in church.every room was
so they went to play pool.
didn't feel like...
liangjie and wenya taught me math(:
every person who thought I looked half smart
will totally change their mind after they
know my math level.
i totally suckkk at it.
they spent a really loooong time just teaching me something.
and even now,I'm not sure if I can still do.
now everyone knows I'm dumbb.-.-
today was the first time I wore my black heels.
My feet HURTTT okay.
damn pain.
totally could not stand it when walking home.
And I had a really long way to walk.
omg.you're not gonna believe this.
I took out my heels lah and walked bare-footed home.
I dare okay.
I've done it once but only when I was closer to home.
Now I took off my heels when I was around e!hub that side.
My feet felt so muchh better okay(:
-.-Of course alot of people took second glances.
I know they're admiring me((:
i'm really unsure of what is it exactly that I want.how I can gain from it and shit.But I have finally decided.If I can't carry it out,that's another thing.I'm just gonna become this freakish person who's fickle and selfish.The only thing I can say is..I really don't want it to be this way.But if it's better then I'll try it.If I fall,I can't pull someone down with me.So now,I'm walking alone with God.I'm not gonna pull people to accompany my walk any longer.Just one last word. *********************bye
Saturday, April 4, 2009,
7:44 AM
list of stuff on my heels
1)I owe shawn.BIG TIME.project work.
2)paying back aaron the 50cents I owe him
3)math asssignment3.3
hahahah.that is like SO overdue!!
Like since idk when-.-
4)get mom her birthday present this month
5)becoming a mugger.
am i even trying?LOL
6)this month's resolutions.
6:49 AM
choir was not too bad today(:
had fun!
went to dodo's house with
bugsy and zhuzhu.
meant to do lit assignment.
HAHAHAH.knowing us,do you think we did?
we didn't!!
missed the chance of seeing someone!!
argh!heart pain!!
bugsy is really crazy over joshua ang
and miley cyrus-.-
I mean..I like miley too but she's absolutely crazy!!
ask any of the LKT clique and you
would get the same ans.
danced to music from WE THE KINGS!!
and practiced our lines for the radio play
(lit HW)
HAHAHAH.perfecting our angmoh accents..
had loads of fun speaking into the fan.
you knoww how your voice
has this metallic edge when you speak into a fan?
yeah that.and bugsy kept asking me to do the siren..
stayed from noon to about 6+.
I did a very nice thing for dodo too(:
points down!



B with facial foam on-.-
dodobird's father's many many trophies.
they're HUGE okay.
OH.and I had ALOT of fun using dodobird's msn acc to chat with random people.Like..people I didn;t really knoww.It was like damn dumbb.Cause I was ego in the chat.And they would think it was dodobird!!YAY!Like for example,shunfeng said something like'dunno how to treat you guys on my birthday..'I replied"dont need lah.Just treat us nicely."seriously.can whattt:}and
I like yoyos!
(i forgot what unimpt. question he asked..)
dodobird:I like yoyos.
Do you like yoyos?
ok ok lar.
(some other unimpt question..)
dodobird:I like yellow yoyos the best!!:D
(unimpt stuff again!!)
what's wrong with him??all the useless stuff-.--.-
skip alot.cant remember.
*all said by me*
hahaha.zhuzhu helped restrain dodo while I typed.We were screaming all the way lah(;
then when she managed to type again,she said
dont mind me.do you know who you have been talking to?
zhuzhu grabbed her hands again and I typed.
me lah!!and weikang asked,and??
and I said dodo's name.
weikang asked if she had split personalities..lmao!
hah.And "I" talked to jovian too.
dodo:what's your height arh?
hahahahahah.dodobird's in deep crap noww.Everyone thinks she's weird((:YAY!hahah.she just needs to direct them to my blog to know the truth then.To tell you the truth,idk shunfeng and jovian and I hardly know kang.LOL.But I had fun: DDD
how can I get better when I have already chosen the best.tell me.Where do I go?I guess second best is all I would know.
Friday, April 3, 2009,
6:58 AM

yay!!got a compensated phone!!(:
I love my old phone!!
It's still W580i.
but who cares?
it's an idiot proof phone!!
I've had enough of the o2 phone..
so now I'm celebrating by posting a photo(:
today was quite okay.
saw a few someones:///
on the mrt trains...2hottt guys sat beside me.
inside I was screaming:omgomgomg!!
and then they started talking about condoms
so I took a catnap instead.-.-
totally screwedd up my piano lesson.
hand cramped up.
mom picked me up for an early dinner.
had a heart to heart talk with her.
I love my mom.
She's so easy to talk to.
Sometimes,she doesn't feel like a mom.
ahem!after you minus some logicality.
found out alot of stuffs.
so cool!!!
having choir tmr~!
can't wait!!
i just wanna dance..dance for you,Lord!
He has blessed me in many ways
Thursday, April 2, 2009,
7:41 AM
post 123!!haha
almost fell asleep during geog..
resorted to eating my gold flakes to keep awake!
it worked okay(:
of course!deborah's solutions(:
had to do demented drawings during chem againn
all the ionic bonds and covalent bonds.
can remember alot more elements nowww!!
together with their proton and electron no.s!!
saw the sunrise while going for recess!!
ohshit!I think they knoww alrdyy..
cos they were smiling when we came..
I like mdmchua's ss lessons.
seriously.she's like the ONLY teacher
who can relate to us cos of her age
got 10/13 for ss essay test.
okay lah.not particularly over the moon
but still acceptable:/
omg!!just missed
two someones!!
dodobird and lala called me when they walked past..-.-
I could not accept it so I looked out againn.
omg!!then I saw a different someone!!
the LKT clique always gets it when
one of our someones walk past(:
lol.I have
6 someones somemore!!!!!
dodobird knows the recent addition(s)..
the ahem substitute ahem.
andd.the morning's friend..
I need cough syrup!:}
Fell asleep when I came home
and woke up in a big frenzy.
kept telling my mom that I was in deep shit.
alotta stuff..
idw talk about the shitty stuff lah huh.
sisters would know..
both kenna-ed..
big sighi want nothing more
Wednesday, April 1, 2009,
6:44 AM
today was not a too bad day.
my crappy english-.-
radio DJs from perfect10 came to mah school(:
the anogmoh guy is damn hottt.
fans self*
and the gal was not too bad herself.
he's damn tall too....
lit lesson today.
cos the school said we had to follow
fri's timetable today.
mrteo didn't come today.
ouch!I hope he's not sickk!!
heart pain you know..
finished up my eng letter.
forgot to bring home ytd.
damn retarded.
saw someone btw..
omg.just standing by the walkpath...
omg.my heart just died..
lol.so drama.
during recess saw two someones
directly opp. me.
(:damn happy.
did phy homework during math
haha.Im so pro.
but when i did phy,I felt like I was
doing math too.
seriously.needed alot of calculation..
i really really miss you