Anyway, I'm gonna post the pics now i guess...
I absolutely adore my baby cousin, Ezann!!!She's super chio!!lol
Yups.And oh gosh tmr I have this BBQ thingy which I'm so not looking forward to.
It's for cip.
Okaye.Let's review. For tmr, I have piano lesson, Choir, need to take train then taxi to the chalet.Yeah.Sleeping there and going home the next day. But oh no!It's not gonna be fun fun fun all the way..Oho. There's stuff to do.Yupps.I know.
I rank No.1 as the Queen of Complaints.
The Little Miss Pessimistic.
okay whatever. you get the idea.
so i just go on and on complaining..yups.But when you catch me in a too good mood...that's not very good either cos im so high that i laugh like crazy and seem to be on drugs or something.
Seriously I'm mostly like that at my gran's house. I even laugh when i hear the jangle of keys which means my gramps is home. Mentally disturbing right??haha..okayss..pic
haha...decided medium was too big.

yes. I know I look stupid here but Ezann's smile is to die for..^^
haha..yeah zilian??whatever i look stupid againn..idc